Feb 14, 2014

Japanese souvenir suggestions 2: KitKat limited editions

Chocolate bar KitKat can be bought worldwide, not only in Japan. I know that, but it is probably only Japan where you can enjoy a great variety of flavors, including some strange ones.

Family bag containing 15 mini KitKat bars bars
Since 2000, Nestle Japan has introduced over 200 flavors. Several kinds are at any supermarkets and convenience stores all year around, but many are seasonal or regional flavors that are sold only for a limited time or certain cities or regions.

Seasonal flavors available now are "KitKat Otona no Amasa White (otona no amasa: lit. sweetness for adults)" less sweet white chocolate and "Otona no Amasa Strawberry." Until stocks last. Hurry up!

By the way, in the Japanese confectionery industry, "otona no (for adults) "  usually means "no sweet" or "a little bitter" than the children-oriented sweets. Don't expect anything other that!

You might think that white chocolate, strawberry and green tea flavors are nothing special. Yes, I agree. But regional limited editions are very "original." You can even say "strange." They reflect special food products of each district, which include Yatsuhashi (traditional cinnamon flavored cookies of Kyoto), strawberry cheese cake (Yokohama), wasabi (Shizuoka), apple (Nagano),  azuki (sweetened red bean, Tokai & Hokuriku Regions), purpose sweet potato (Okinawa), citrus fruits  (Shikoku island), powdered hot chilli pepper (Nagano). But what temps me most is pudding flavor (Kobe)! 

KitKat Kobe Purin (pudding) 
Ah! I almost forgot to tell you this! Nestle Japan opened last month a fancy KitKat store in the basement of Seibu Ikebukuro Department store. At this KitKat Chocolatory store, you can find very rare (and a little expensive)  items such as cream cheese flavor created under the supervision of renowned Japanese patissier Yasumasa Takagi (sorry I don't know him).

This cream cheese KitKat (photo below) released on Feb. 3, is 420 yen, containing 4 bars.

I'm sure this will be a great gift for your friends and family, because you cannot get it nowhere else in the world but this KitKat Chocolatory!
image:東京都池袋の「ネスレ キットカット」専門店に新味「クリームチーズ」登場!
Cream cheese flavored KitKat available only at KitKat Chocolatory



もともと: originally
お菓子  (おかし): treats, sweets, snacks
限定 (げんてい) limited
期間 (きかん) time, season
地方 (ちよう)  region
以降 (いこう) since
発売 (はつばい) to put on the market
種類 (しゅるい) kind

現在の期間限定商品は「オトナの甘さ ホワイト」と「オトナの甘さ ストロベリー」です。在庫がなくなったら販売終了なので、興味がある人は急いで!

現在 (げんざい) at present
商品 (しょうひん) products
在庫 (ざいこ) stocks
販売 (はんばい)  sales
終了 (しゅうりょう) finish
興味 (きょうみ) interest
急ぐ (いそぐ) hurry


ご当地 (ごとうち) 
変な (へんな)  strange
柑橘 (かんきつ) citrus fruits
紫芋  (むらさきいも) purple sweet potate
旅行 (りょこう) trip
探す (さがす) to look for
お土産 (おみやげ) gift


池袋 (いけぶくろ) name of a town in Tokyo
西武デパート (せいぶデパート) Seibu Department store
地下 (ちか) basement floor
専門店 (せんもんてん) store specializing in certain items


普通 (ふつう) ordinary
喜ばれる (よろこばれる) be pleased


  1. こんにちは、ゆうこさん!

    すごいですね。I didn't know which flavours were specific to which region~ very interesting! I knew of Yatsuhashi before (and I tried making it once~) and I love purple sweet potato (because it's healthy and delicious). So, Yokohama is known for strawberry cheesecake? I shall remember to try it (and the Kit-Kat) when I'm there. ^-^

    I didn't know Kobe makes good pudding. :3 I only knew about its beef, haha... What about the pudding do you like?

    Oh, even though I read this post late, I knew about the world's first Kit-Kat store, because I watched it on YouTube.... ^^;;


    The girl said the apple-flavoured Kit-Kat was the best. I really wanna try it now... XD

    1. サマンサさん、I'm a Yokohama resident, but I don't know why cheesecake is chosen as a flavor of Yokohama. Very strange. And I have no clue why pudding is associated with Kobe.

      I just watched the YouTube video. Wow... I haven't been to the Kit Kat store yet because it seems pretty crowded, but now I feel like I have to go soon!
